CitiHope provides $6 million in aid
MAY 18, 2022, SILVER SPRING, MD - St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral’s Humanitarian Center and CitiHope Relief & Development announced a partnership to provide humanitarian relief to Ukraine. Together they support the Ukrainian people impacted by the Russian war on Ukraine and bolster Ukraine’s health care infrastructure by providing critically needed medicine and medical supplies.
In April 2022, CitiHope provided $6 million worth of medicine and medical supplies for distribution to hospitals and medical facilities in Ukraine through the auspices of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Ukraine.
Ukraine’s Ambassador to the United States, Mrs. Oksana Makarova welcomed the announcement: “Partnerships of this nature demonstrate the generosity of the American people and recognition of the critical challenges faced by our country at a time of war”. Metropolitan Antony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of USA stated: “We welcome the generous contributions from CitiHope and look forward to further collaborative actions. With God’s help, the challenges that our nation is facing are not insurmountable”.
St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral serves the Ukrainian Orthodox community in Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Founded in 1949, the church is based in Silver Spring, Maryland and is dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Chernobyl disaster. The Church’s Humanitarian Center functions as the regional center for collection and distribution of humanitarian aid to Ukraine. St. Andrew Parish leader Reverend Dr. Volodymyr Steliac said, “CitiHope’s partnership with St. Andrew UOC will significantly increase the number of needed medicines and medical supplies reaching the vulnerable victims of war in Ukraine and will help Ukraine’s health care system address the needs of its citizens affected by the war and ultimately, will enable Ukraine to rebuild”.
CitiHope is a humanitarian relief and development agency committed to serving vulnerable communities globally with access to essential medicines, food, and education. “We are pleased to contribute to the ongoing humanitarian efforts to assist Ukraine during this time of need and remain committed to supporting St. Andrew UOC and the people of Ukraine” said Reverend Paul Moore II, CEO and President of CitiHope.
Contacts: St. Andrew Humanitarian Center:
CitiHope Relief & Development:
